
  • Turayev Alijon Akmal o‘g‘li
  • Davronov Davlatjon Akramovich


Key words: financial analysis, household, income, expenses, investments, debt management, budgeting, economic well-being, financial stability, personal finance.


Abstract: In the article we present a study of methods and tools used to analyze
the financial condition of households. In the context of a dynamic economic
environment and the diversity of household financial decisions, the article highlights
important aspects such as income, expenditure, investment and debt management at
the household level. The study's findings aim to increase understanding of household
financial health and offer practical recommendations to optimize their financial health.



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How to Cite

Turayev Alijon Akmal o‘g‘li, & Davronov Davlatjon Akramovich. (2024). FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY . ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 38(3), 103–106. Retrieved from

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