
  • А.А.Жумаева


Ключевые слова: Селлер, токсичность, гигиенические регламенты


Резюме:  Экспериментал текширишлар натижасида Селлер инсектицидининг қишлоқ хўжалигида ишлатилганда унинг хавфсизлиги гигиеник нуқтаи назардан асосланди. Инсектициднинг атмосфера ҳавоси, ишчи ўринлари ва тупроқда рухсат этилган меъёри ишлаб чиқилди. Шунингдек, перепаратнинг  озиқ-овқат маҳсулотлари, сув ҳавзаларида рухсат этилган миқдори гигиеник жиҳатдан илмий асосланди.


Фойдаланилган адабиётлар:

Jumaeva AA, Iskanderova GT, Kasimov XO Floods insecticide village on the farm use hygienic basics // In medicine new day. - 2019. - No. 4 (28). BB 160-163.

Jumaeva AA Hygienic basis of application of insecticide Seller in agriculture // International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. - 2020.- R. 256-261.

Jumaeva AA, Kosimov XO Novaya electronic platform po toxicological as soon as pesticides Seller // Svidetelstvo ob official registration software for EVM. Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - 2020. - G DGU 1417.

Jumaeva AA, Iskanderova GT, Kasimov XO Floods insecticide village on the farm use hygienic basics // In medicine new day. - 2019. - No. 4 (28). BB 160-163.

Zhumaeva Aziza Askarovna . Hygienic basis for the degree of resistance of seller insecticide in the environment . 278-281

Jumaeva AA, Kosimov XO Hygienic regulations for the application of insecticides Seller 20% ks on sowing pishenitsy . Materials Mejdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy conference // Mininvasivnye technology and medicine tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow. Problems oath prospects of development . - 2019.- S. 182.

Jumaeva AA Hygienic assessment of the movement of the insecticide seller in the soil layer // S entralasian journal of medical and natural sciences. Volume: 02 Issue: 01 | Jan-Feb 2021. R . 46-56.

Jumaeva AA Hygiene parameter primenenia Insecticide C eller v selskom Khozyaystve // Mejdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya conference. Bukhara. September 25-26. - 2020. - p. 417-421

Jumaeva AA. Hygienic bases of application of insecticide Seller in agriculture // Academicia : An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal https://saarj.com ISSN:2249-7137 Vol.10Issue2, February 2020

Jumaeva AA. Ecological and hygienic justifications for the use of the new insecticide seller in agriculture // trans Asian Research Journals AJMR :Vol 8, Issue 10, October 2019. PAGE NO 40-47

Zhumaeva Aziza Askarovna . Hygienic basis for the degree of resistance of Seller insecticide in the environment. Vol. 10, Issue 1, Jan. (2022) . ISSN: 2347-6915 . p. 278- 281 Vol. 10, Issue 1, Jan. (2022)

Jumaeva A. _ A. _ Hygiene in labor c kovrotkacheskoy promyshlennosti , forecast i prevention proizvodstvenno obuslovlennyx zabolevaniy // Practical and medicine sciences scientific magazine . - 2023. - T. 2. – no. 5. - S. 355-358.

Jumaeva A. A. Hygienic otsenka conditional labor in carpet production, development of preventive engineering // Practical and medicine sciences scientific magazine . - 2023. - T. 2. – no. 2. - S. 231-

A.J. Jumaeva * . Hygienic aspects of the possibility of your the new insecticide seller in agriculture . E 3 S Web of Conferences 460 , 11003 (2 023)

А.А.Жумаева. Гигиеническая оценка условий труда в ковроткацком производстве, разработка профилактических мероприятий//Амалий ва тиббиёт фанлари илмий журнали. 231-235 .

A.A.Jumaeva. Hygienic aspects of the use of new domestic pesticides// European journal of modern medicine and practice 2 (3), 6-11

А.А. Jumaeva, X.O.KosimovNovaya elektronnaya platforma po toksikologicheskoy otsenke pestitsidov Seller//Svidetelstvo ob ofitsialnoy registratsii programmy dlya EVM. Intellectual …

Jumaeva A.A. Hygienic bases of application of insecticide Seller in agriculture// International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. - 2020- Р. 256-261.



How to Cite

А.А.Жумаева. (2024). СЕЛЛЕР ИНСЕКТИЦИДИНИНГ АТРОФ-МУҲИТДА ГИГИЕНИК МЕЪЁРЛАРИНИ ИШЛАБ ЧИҚИШ НАТИЖАЛАРИ. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 39(4), 76–80. Retrieved from http://newjournal.org/index.php/01/article/view/11681