
  • Баходирова Д.Б.


 XX asrning boshlarida Samarqand viloyati hududlarida 50 ga yaqin o’zbek qabilalari yashagan. Gilam to’qish san’ati qadimdan ko’chmanchi chorvadorlar va qabilalar orasida shakllangan. Grebenkinning ma’lumotiga qaraganda XIX asrning oxirida gilam to’qish san’ati quyidagi o’zbek qabilalari: nayman ming, qutchi, bag’rin, xitoy, qipchoq, mitan, turklarda mavjud bo’lgan. Hozirgi kunda Prezidentimiz tomonidan respublikada qo’lda to’qilgan gilamchilik sohasini rivojlantirishga oid hujjat imzolandi. (26.06.2020 yildagi PQ-4759-son qarorga qarang). Gilamchilikga bo’lgan e’tibor yanada jadallashdi.


Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar:

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Jumaeva A.A. Ecological and hygienic justifications for the use of the new insecticide seller in agriculture // trans Asian Research Journals

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Jumaeva AA . Ecological and hygienic justifications for the use of the new insecticide seller in agriculture // trans Asian Research Journals AJMR :Vol 8, Issue 10, October 2019. PAGE NO 40-47

Zhumaeva Aziza Askarovna . Hygienic basis for the degree of resistance of Seller insecticide in the environment. Vol . 10 , Issue 1, Jan. (2022) . ISSN : 2347-6915 . p. 278- 281 Vol. 10, Issue 1, Jan. (2022)

Жумаева А. А. Гигиена труда в ковроткаческой промышленности, прогноз и профилактика производственно обусловленных заболеваний //Amaliy va tibbiyot fanlari ilmiy jurnali. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. 5. – С. 355-358.

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Aziza Jumaeva*. Hygienic aspects of the possibility of using the new insecticide seller in agriculture.E3S Web of Conferences 460, 11003 (2023)



How to Cite

Баходирова Д.Б. (2024). GILAMCHILIK TARIXI. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 39(4), 138–140. Retrieved from