
  • Temirov Og’abek Farhod o’g’li


  Innovations in the field of physics undoubtedly lead to the emergence of new innovative projects in technology, production and industry. Therefore, it is important to solve existing problems with the help of physical knowledge. One of the biggest challenges facing the world community today is achieving optimal energy resources. Current problems such as dwindling oil and gas reserves, atmospheric degradation and global warming require a quality energy source, both technically and ecologically. Many scientists believe that hydrogen energy has such properties. Several countries of the world have developed their strategic projects for the use of hydrogen energy and have implemented certain parts of these plans. A number of state-level works related to hydrogen energy are planned in our country. It is a well-known fact that hydrogen energy is produced by hydrogen extraction. There are several ways to get hydrogen:

- Water electrolysis method;

- Using methane pyrolysis;

- In industrial methods;

- Through thermochemical reactions;


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How to Cite

Temirov Og’abek Farhod o’g’li. (2024). MODERN METHODS OF OBTAINING HYDROGEN. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 47(7), 70–74. Retrieved from