
  • Keunimjayeva Juldiz Kenesbay qizi
  • Sarsenbaeva Miyasar Abatbay qizi
  • Seytniyazova Nadira Erpolat qizi
  • Polatbekova Nurshat Nurlibekovna


Since the 90s of the twentieth century, the concept of design has been tightly integrated into the socio-cultural environment, taking root in various spheres. In the educational system, project activities have been introduced since 2004, being reflected in the Federal Educational Standard. Turning to him, you can see that project activities are included in the implementation of many educational institutions. Of course, often in reality the standard itself is not always applied and not everywhere, which is explained by the different financial and material equipment of schools. Many secondary schools do not always have the opportunity to purchase even the necessary educational materials, not to mention the creation of additional conditions for project activities.


Kargopolov I. S. Project activity at school. A young scientist. 2019. No. 46 (284). pp. 277-279.

Lazarev V. S. A new understanding of the project method in education. Problems of modern education. 2011. No. 6. pp. 35-43.

Shatsky S.T. Selected pedagogical works in 2 volumes. Pedagogy. M.: Vol. 1, 1980. p. 304.



How to Cite

Keunimjayeva Juldiz Kenesbay qizi, Sarsenbaeva Miyasar Abatbay qizi, Seytniyazova Nadira Erpolat qizi, & Polatbekova Nurshat Nurlibekovna. (2023). PROJECT ACTIVITIES AT SCHOOL. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 27(1), 159–160. Retrieved from

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