
  • Sardor Buriyev
  • Tursunov Akhmadjon


Keywords: Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), artificial intelligence (AI), Convolution Neural Network (CNN), deep neural network, optimization, navigation, information sharing.


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are becoming more and more common in applications because of their ability to integrate a variety of sensors with cheap operating costs, easy deployment, and improved mobility. However, using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in complex environments at a distance limits their capabilities and reduces the system's overall efficacy. Consequently, a lot of researchers are concentrating on autonomous UAV navigation, which enables UAVs to move and perform certain tasks in accordance with their surroundings. Recent technological advancements have led to an increase in the applications of artificial intelligence (AI). A comprehensive analysis and classification of several AI methods for autonomous UAV navigation has been carried out. Two distinct AI approaches are model-based learning and mathematical optimization. This study reviews the fundamentals, principles and key features of several optimization and learning-based strategies. Moreover, an assemblage of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) fitted with cameras records or observes particular areas. The UAVs can create a distributed network to process and share the sensory data they have acquired before sending it to a data processing center. Between them, extensive data flow may cause excessive latency and energy consumption. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are used in this research to process the video data that is being broadcast among the UAVs. Therefore, all that is required of each scattered UAV is communication of the relevant information with the others. Each UAV processes data using AI, and only information that is significant to the others is transmitted. Features are automatically retrieved from images using convolution neural network (CNN) technology, allowing UAVs to broadcast only the moving objects and not the full picture. The network thus consumes far less energy and transmits significantly less redundant data to any given UAV or to the network as a whole. The UAVs are also capable of energy conservation so they can continue to move in the sensing field.


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How to Cite

Sardor Buriyev, & Tursunov Akhmadjon. (2024). NAVIGATION PROBLEMS OF UAV AND THEIR SOLUTIONS BASED ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Journal of New Century Innovations, 51(4), 14–22. Retrieved from