Editorial Team


Kokand State Pedagogical Institute,

"For teachers" LLC

Chairman of the Editorial Board:

D.SH.Khodjayeva - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Chairman of the Public Council:

D.SH.Khodjayeva - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Members of the editorial board:

Saidova Mohinur Jonpolatovna, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Primary Education, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute

Kasimov Faizullo Mukhamadovich, candidate of pedagogical sciences

Adizova Nodira Baxtiyorovna, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methodology (PhD)

Narzikulova Kumrijon Islamovna, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Department of Tashkent Medical Academy

Zakirkhodjaev Rustam Asrolovich, Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training, Tashkent Medical Academy

Saodat Khamidullaevna Nazirova, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Department of Tashkent Medical Academy

Khabibullaeva Sokhibakhan Saidulla, Namangan State University History (spirituality, history of Uzbekistan, world history, history of religion)

Saidova Gavhar Ergashovna, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methodology (PhD)

Amonov Ulug‘murod Sultonovich, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methodology (PhD)

Jumayev Ruzokul Xoliqulovich, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methodology (PhD)

Axmadov Olimjon Shodmonovich, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methodology (PhD)

Xayitov Xamza Axmadovich, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methodology (PhD)

Safarov Firuz Sulaymonovich, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methodology (PhD)

Ro‘ziyeva Sadoqat  Hasanovna, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Pre-School and Primary Education, Associate Professor of "Pre-School Education", (PhD)

Sh.A.Xayitov  Buxoro davlat universitetining «O‘zbek filologiyasi» kafedrasi dotsenti

Xayitov Axror Axmadovich  Buxoro muhandislik-texnologiya instituti charm buyumlari texnologiyasi va dizayni kafedrasi dotsenti

Safarova Nigora Ohunjonovna Buxoro davlat pedagogika instituti Boshlang‘ich ta'lim kafedrasi professori

Hakimova Mehriniso Homitovna  Buxoro davlat pedagogika instituti boshlang‘ich ta’lim kafedrasi dotsenti pedagogika fanlari bo‘yicha falsafa doktori (PhD)

Madaliyev Akmaljon Maxammadjonovich, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Kokand state pedagogical institute Teacher of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Kokan State Pedagogical Institute

Sultonov Ravshanjon Rustamovich, Docent of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Kokan State Pedagogical Institute

Xolmuminova Oygul Jumayevna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Primary Education, Termiz State University

Adizova Nigora Baxtiyorovna, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methodology (PhD)

Abdullayeva Feruza Nurulloyevna, Buxoro davlat pedagogika instituti Boshlang‘ich ta’lim kafedrasi dotsenti


D.SH.Khodjayeva - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Assistant Editor-in-Chief:

N.S. Jorayev - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor