Kalit so‘zlar: mintaqaviy kontekst, AQSH, kodlash, sotsiologik tahlil, rassom.Abstract
Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada art bozori haqida so‘z boradi. Shuningdek, art
bozori tushunchasi va uning badiiy ahamiyati, san’at bozorining rivojlanishi va
shakllanishi, undagi ta’sir etuvchi omillar, san’at bozori ustida o‘tkazilgan tajribalar,
Rossiya san’at bozori, jahon san’at bozorining dinamikasi, mamlakatimizdagi san’at
bozori va unga bo‘lgan talablar to‘g‘risida ham aytib o‘tiladi.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yati:
Nataliya Komarova & Olav Velthuis (2018) Local contexts as activation
mechanisms of market development: contemporary art in emerging markets,
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Gabriel Zucman, The Hidden Wealth of Nations: The Scourge of Tax Havens,
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