
  • Р.Г. Рахимов


Ключевые слова: Полупроводник, квантующее магнитное поле, осцилляция, двумерные полупроводниковые структуры, квантовая яма.


Аннотация. В данной статье исследовано влияние двумерной плотности
состояний на осцилляции поперечной электропроводности в гетероструктурах с
прямоугольными квантовыми ямами. Выведено новое аналитическое выражение
для расчета температурной зависимости осцилляции поперечной
электропроводности и магнитосопротивления квантовой ямы. Исследованы
осцилляции электропроводности и магнитосопротивления узкозонной
квантовой ямы с непароболическим законом дисперсии. Предложенной теорией
исследованы результаты эксперимериментов узкозонной квантовой ямы (In x Ga 1-
x Sb).



Yuzeeva N.A., Galiev G.B., Klimova E.A., Oveshnikov L.N., Lunin R.A.,

Kulbachinskii V.A. Experimental determination of the subband electron effective

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Tarquini V., Knighton T.,Wu Zh., Huang J., Pfeiffer L., West K. Degeneracy and

effective mass in the valence band of two-dimensional (100)-GaAs quantum well

systems // Applied Physics Letters. 2014. Vol.104, Iss.9, Article ID 092102.


Berkutov I.B., Andrievskii V.V., Komnik Yu.F., Kolesnichenko Yu.A., Morris

R.J.H., Leadley D.R. Magnetotransport studies of SiGe-based p-type

heterostructures: Problems with the determination of effective mass // Low

Temperature Physics. 2012. Vol.38, Iss.12, pp.1145-1452.


Abdullah Yar, Kashif Sabeeh. Radiation-assisted magnetotransport in two-

dimensional electron gas systems: appearance of zero resistance states // Journal of

Physics: Condensed Matter. 2015. Vol.27, No.43, Article ID 435007.


Erkaboev U.I, Rakhimov R.G., Sayidov N.A. Influence of pressure on Landau

levels of electrons in the conductivity zone with the parabolic dispersion law //

Euroasian Journal of Semiconductors Science and Engineering. 2020. Vol.2., Iss.1.

Rakhimov R.G. Determination magnetic quantum effects in semiconductors at

different temperatures // VII Международной научнопрактической

конференции «Science and Education: problems and innovations». 2021. pp.12-


Gulyamov G, Erkaboev U.I., Rakhimov R.G., Sayidov N.A., Mirzaev J.I. Influence

of a strong magnetic field on Fermi energy oscillations in two-dimensional

semiconductor materials // Scientific Bulletin. Physical and Mathematical

Research. 2021. Vol.3, Iss.1, pp.5-14

Erkaboev U.I., Sayidov N.A., Rakhimov R.G., Negmatov U.M. Simulation of the

temperature dependence of the quantum oscillations’ effects in 2D semiconductor

materials // Euroasian Journal of Semiconductors Science and Engineering. 2021.

Vol.3., Iss.1.

Gulyamov G., Erkaboev U.I., Rakhimov R.G., Mirzaev J.I. On temperature

dependence of longitudinal electrical conductivity oscillations in narrow-gap

electronic semiconductors // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physic. 2020. Vol.12,

Iss.3, Article ID 03012. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217979220500526

Erkaboev U.I., Gulyamov G., Mirzaev J.I., Rakhimov R.G. Modeling on the

temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity

oscillations in narrow-gap semiconductors // International Journal of Modern

Physics B. 2020. Vol.34, Iss.7, Article ID 2050052.


Erkaboev U.I., R.G.Rakhimov. Modeling of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in

narrow band gap semiconductors under the effect of temperature and microwave

field // Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University. 2020. Vol.2, Iss.11.


Gulyamov G., Erkaboev U.I., Sayidov N.A., Rakhimov R.G. The influence of

temperature on magnetic quantum effects in semiconductor structures // Journal of

Applied Science and Engineering. 2020. Vol.23, Iss.3, pp. 453–460.


Erkaboev U.I., Gulyamov G., Mirzaev J.I., Rakhimov R.G., Sayidov N.A.

Calculation of the Fermi–Dirac Function Distribution in Two-Dimensional

Semiconductor Materials at High Temperatures and Weak Magnetic Fields // Nano.

Vol.16, Iss.9. Article ID 2150102.


Erkaboev U.I., R.G.Rakhimov. Modeling the influence of temperature on electron

landau levels in semiconductors // Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State

University. 2020. Vol.2, Iss.12. pp.36-42

Erkaboev U.I., Gulyamov G., Mirzaev J.I., Rakhimov R.G., Sayidov N.A.

Calculation of the Fermi-Dirac Function Distribution in Two-Dimensional

Semiconductor Materials at High Temperatures and Weak Magnetic Fields // Nano.

Vol.16, Iss.9, Article ID 2150102.


Erkaboev U.I., Rakhimov R.G., Sayidov N.A. Mathematical modeling

determination coefficient of magneto-optical absorption in semiconductors in

presence of external pressure and temperature // Modern Physics Letters B.2021.

Vol.35, Iss.17, Article ID 2150293. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217984921502936

Erkaboev U.I., Rakhimov R.G., Mirzaev J.I., Sayidov N.A. The influence of

external factors on quantum magnetic effects in electronic semiconductor

structures // International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring

Engineering. 2020. Vol.9, Iss.5, pp. 1557-1563. https://www.ijitee.org/portfolio-


Erkaboev U.I., Rakhimov R.G., Sayidov N.A., Mirzaev J.I. Modeling the

temperature dependence of the density oscillation of energy states in two-

dimensional electronic gases under the impact of a longitudinal and transversal

quantum magnetic fields // Indian Journal of Physics. 2022. Vol.96, Iss.10, Article

ID 02435. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12648-022-02435-8

Erkaboev U.I., Negmatov U.M., Rakhimov R.G., Mirzaev J.I., Sayidov N.A.

Influence of a quantizing magnetic field on the Fermi energy oscillations in two-

dimensional semiconductors // International Journal of Applied Science and

Engineering. 2022. Vol.19, Iss.2, Article ID 2021123.


Erkaboev U.I., Gulyamov G., Rakhimov R.G. A new method for determining the

bandgap in semiconductors in presence of external action taking into account lattice

vibrations // Indian Journal of Physics. 2022. Vol.96, Iss.8, pp. 2359-2368.


U.I.Erkaboev, N.A.Sayidov, R.G.Rakhimov, U.M.Negmatov. Simulation of the

temperature dependence of the quantum oscillations’effects in 2D semiconductor materials // Euroasian Journal of Semiconductors Science and Engineering. 2021.

Vol.3, Iss.1, p.8

R.Rakhimov, U.Erkaboev. Modeling of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in narrow

band gap semiconductors under the effect of temperature and microwave field //

Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and

Technology. 2020. Vol.2, Iss.11, pp.27-35

R.Rakhimov, U.Erkaboev. Modeling the influence of temperature on electron

landau levels in semiconductors // Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan

Institute of Engineering and Technology. 2020. Vol.2, Iss.12, pp.36-42

U.I.Erkaboev, R.G.Rakhimov, N.Y.Azimova. Determination of oscillations of the

density of energy states in nanoscale semiconductor materials at different

temperatures and quantizing magnetic fields // Global Scientific Review. 2023.

Vol.12, pp.33-49

G.Gulyamov, U.I.Erkaboev, R.G.Rakhimov, J.I.Mirzaev, N.A.Sayidov.

Determination of the dependence of the two-dimensional combined density of

states on external factors in quantum-dimensional heterostructures // Modern

Physics Letters B. 2023. Vol.37, Iss.10, Article ID 2350015

U.I.Erkaboev, R.G.Rakhimov. Determination of the dependence of the oscillation

of transverse electrical conductivity and magnetoresistance on temperature in

heterostructures based on quantum wells // East European Journal of Physics. 2023.

Issue 3, pp.133-145

U.I.Erkaboev, R.G.Rakhimov. Simulation of temperature dependence of

oscillations of longitudinal magnetoresistance in nanoelectronic semiconductor

materials // e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy.

Vol.5, pp.100236

U.I.Erkaboev, R.G.Rakhimov, J.I.Mirzaev, U.M.Negmatov, N.A.Sayidov.

Influence of a magnetic field and temperature on the oscillations of the combined

density of states in two-dimensional semiconductor materials // Indian Journal of

Physics. 2023. Vol.2023, pp.1-9

U.Erkaboev, R.Rakhimov, J.Mirzaev, N.Sayidov, U.Negmatov, M.Abduxalimov.

Calculation of oscillations in the density of energy states in heterostructural

materials with quantum wells // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2023. Volume 2789,

Issue 1

U.Erkaboev, R.Rakhimov, J.Mirzaev, N.Sayidov, U.Negmatov, A.Mashrapov.

Determination of the band gap of heterostructural materials with quantum wells at

strong magnetic field and high temperature // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2023.

Volume 2789, Issue 1

U.Erkaboev, R.Rakhimov, J.Mirzaev, U.Negmatov, N.Sayidov. Influence of the

two-dimensional density of states on the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity oscillations in heterostructures with quantum wells // International

Journal of Modern Physics B. 2023. Article ID 2450185

R.G.Rakhimov. Clean the cotton from small impurities and establish optimal

parameters // The Peerian Journal. 2023. Volume 17, Pages 57-63

U.I.Erkaboev, N.A.Sayidov, U.M.Negmatov, J.I.Mirzaev, R.G.Rakhimov.

Influence temperature and strong magnetic field on oscillations of density of energy

states in heterostructures with quantum wells HgCdTe/CdHgTe // E3S Web of

Conferences. 2023. Volume 401, Pages 01090

U.I.Erkaboev, N.A.Sayidov, U.M.Negmatov, R.G.Rakhimov, J.I.Mirzaev.

Temperature dependence of width band gap in In x Ga 1-x As quantum well in

presence of transverse strong magnetic field // E3S Web of Conferences. 2023.

Volume 401, Pages 04042

U.I.Erkaboev, R.G.Rakhimov, U.M.Negmatov, N.A.Sayidov, J.I.Mirzaev.

Influence of a strong magnetic field on the temperature dependence of the two-

dimensional combined density of states in InGaN/GaN quantum well

heterostructures // E3S Web of Conferences. 2023. Volume 401, Pages 04042

Эркабоев У.И., Рахимов Р.Г., Мирзаев Ж.И., Сайидов Н.А., Негматов У.М.

Вычисление осцилляции плотности энергетический состояний в

гетеронаноструктурных материалах при наличии продольного и поперечного

сильного магнитного поля // Международные конференция: «Научные

основы использования информационных технологий нового уровня и

современные проблемы автоматизации». 25-26 апреля 2022. С. 341-344.


Эркабоев У.И., Рахимов Р.Г., Мирзаев Ж.И., Сайидов Н.А., Негматов У.М.

Расчеты температурная зависимость энергетического спектра электронов и

дырок в разрешенной зоны квантовой ямы при воздействии поперечного

квантующего магнитного поля // Международные конференция: «Научные

основы использования информационных технологий нового уровня и

современные проблемы автоматизации». 25-26 апреля 2022. С. 344-347.


Erkaboev U.I., Sayidov N.A., Mirzaev J.I., Rakhimov R.G. Determination of the

temperature dependence of the Fermi energy oscillations in nanostructured

semiconductor materials in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field // Euroasian

Journal of Semiconductors Science and Engineering. 2021. Vol.3, Iss.2, pp.47-52



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