
  • Nuriddinov Bahodir Isobek o’g’li
  • Mustafayev Jafar Shomirzayevich


Keywords: development, evolutionary development, revolutionary development, progressive, regressive, law of contradiction, identity and difference, difference, laws of dialectics, quality, property, quantity, norm, negation of negation, particularity, specificity, universality, category of particularity, category of universality, categories of whole and part, categories of necessity and chance, possibility, reality, content, form, essence , phenomenon, cause, effect.


Annotation: The article "General Laws and Categories of Development" outlines the processes of change and development within society. It examines the concept of "development," discussing its associated legal changes, types, and characteristics akin to those of society and nature. It delves into the evolutionary and revolutionary forms of development, their fundamental features, and their implications for society. The article discusses development processes through a system of "dialectical laws," analyzing categories of change and development within society, such as "individuality," "specificity," and "generality." It elucidates the concepts of "thesis," "antithesis," and "synthesis" as they relate to the final stages of development processes. The article is aimed at analyzing the processes of change and development within society to delineate their laws and systems.


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How to Cite

Nuriddinov Bahodir Isobek o’g’li, & Mustafayev Jafar Shomirzayevich. (2024). GENERAL LAWS AND CATEGORIES OF DEVELOPMENT. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 46(2), 85–94. Retrieved from