
  • Mustafayev Jafar Shomirzayevich
  • Egamnazarov Bobur Shuxrat o‘g‘li


Keywords: Turkestan, national state-building, national economy, Management, Education and cultural-educational life, political freedoms and rights independence, Democratic System, Foundation, national economy.


Annotation this article explores the educational and socio-political views of the jadids. Uzbek jadids ' views on the progressive development of society through reform of the education system have been analyzed. The significance of the enlightened and socio-political views that the exponents of the jadidism movement put forward is highlighted today. The feedback advanced in the article is summarized in short.


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How to Cite

Mustafayev Jafar Shomirzayevich, & Egamnazarov Bobur Shuxrat o‘g‘li. (2024). SOCIAL POLITICAL VIEWS OF REPRESENTATIVES OF JADIDISM. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 46(5), 59–61. Retrieved from