Currently, stomach cancer (SC) in Uzbekistan ranks 2nd in men and 3rd in women among all malignant neoplasms in terms of frequency. Most often, SC affects patients aged 50-70 years. Despite the fact that in the last 20 years there has been a certain
tendency to decrease the incidence of RV, the total number of patients and mortality from this disease remain high, and the possibility of early detection of a tumor has not been fully realized. Therefore, the problem of improving the methods of diagnosis and
treatment of this disease remains relevant. Along with the already common methods of medical imaging, such as X-ray, FGDS, ultrasound and CT, MRI has recently been increasingly used for stomach diseases (while at the second stage of the diagnostic
algorithm). The main task of MRI is, first of all, to assess the degree of changes in the stomach wall, staging the pathological process with the detection of both local and distant metastases