
  • O`roqova Dilfuza Baxriddinovna
  • Azamaliayeva Madina Avazovna


Sustainability is a key concept and goal in the contemporary world, as it reflects the need to balance the economic, social and environmental aspects of development. Sustainability is also a challenge for various sectors and industries, as they have to adapt to the changing demands and expectations of stakeholders, customers and regulators. To measure and improve their sustainability performance, organizations need to use appropriate and effective indicators that can capture the complexity and diversity of their impacts and outcomes.


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How to Cite

O`roqova Dilfuza Baxriddinovna, & Azamaliayeva Madina Avazovna. (2023). A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF KPIS FOR SUSTAINABILITY IN DIFFERENT SECTORS. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 26(2), 3–11. Retrieved from https://newjournal.org/01/article/view/8333