Key words. Islamic law, modern islam, western culture, religion, gender equality, religious environmentalismAbstract
Abstract. The social upheavals of the 20th century contributed to the fact that women were forced to expand the list of their traditional social roles, which could not but lead to a change in the status of women within religious organizations. The development of various women's movements, and in particular the feminist movement, has contributed to the growing interest of researchers in studying the role and images of women in religion.
Guryeva K. A. Religious studies aspect of “Women’s Studies”. // Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. – Tambov, 2014. – No. 8 (46). Part 1. – pp. 45-48. – 0.43 p.l.
Guryeva K. A. Christian feminism: origins and modernity. // Bulletin of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy. – St. Petersburg, 2014 – Volume 15. Issue 3. – P. 285-293. – 0.65 p.l.
Guryeva K. A. Main problems and the current state of Jewish feminism. // Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. – Tambov, 2014. – No. 12 (50). Part 3. – pp. 57-61. – 0.50 p.l.
Publications in other publications:
Guryeva K. A. Gender approach to the study of religious aspects of feminism// Scientific publishing center “Sociosphere”: Theory and practice of gender research in world science (materials of the III international scientific and practical conference). Penza, 2012. P.24-26. – 0.12 p.l.
Guryeva K. A. Islamic feminism: historiography of the issue // Scientific discussion: issues of sociology, political science, philosophy, history / Materials of the XI International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference. M., 2013. P.75-80. – 0.33 p.l.
Guryeva K. A. Concept and problems of feminist theology // VII International Scientific Conference of RAIZH "Gender. Politics. Political culture: gender relations and gender systems in the past and present." T.1. M., 2014. P.34-37. – 0.20 p.l.
Guryeva K. A. Gender studies as a new methodological approach to the study of the history of religion // Science of religion in the 21st century: traditional methods and new paradigms. Collection of articles and reports. Edited by M. M. Shakhnovich, T. V. Chumakova and E. A. Teryukova. St. Petersburg, 2014. pp. 158-170. – 0.66 p.l.
Guryeva K. A. Muslim women in modern cinema: issues of choice// Man before a choice in the modern world: problems, opportunities, solutions: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference September 27-28, 2015 Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) / Under the general editorship of M S. Kiseleva. M., 2015. P.144-149. – 0.48 p.l.