
  • Eshmirzayeva Nozima Bahodir qizi
  • Atoboyeva Aziza Muhiddin qizi


Keywords. Method, other sciences, pedagogics, psychology, linguistics, didactics, effective learning, investigation, conclusion, repetition, determine, assimilate, instruction, presenting, theory, dynamic stereotype, quotation, laboratory, test.


Abstract: Current  article  is  devoted  to  the  problems  of  teaching  methods  of  English as  a  foreign  languages.  In  this  article  we  look  through  different  methods  in  this  field. Methods  of  foreign  language  teaching  and  its  relation  to  other  sciences.  Methods  of foreign  language  teaching  is  understood  here  as  a  body  of  scientifically  tested  theory concerning the teaching of foreign languages in school and other educational institutions. Teaching a foreign language means first and foremost the formation and development of students’ habits and skills in listening, speaking, writing, and reading.


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How to Cite

Eshmirzayeva Nozima Bahodir qizi, & Atoboyeva Aziza Muhiddin qizi. (2023). TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: MAKING USE OF SPONTANEOUS LANGUAGE. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 31(1), 73–76. Retrieved from https://newjournal.org/01/article/view/8923