
  • Badalboyeva Dilorom Sobirjon qizi
  • Qo’shaqov Doniyorbek Abdumutal o’g’li


Keywords: Electrochemical, physiology, pedagogy, theoretical.


Annotation: This article is about the fact that the methodology of teaching
chemistry is a scientific and educational science, the methodology of teaching
chemistry is closely related to the science of pedagogy and its educational function is
based on the laws of pedagogy


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How to Cite

Badalboyeva Dilorom Sobirjon qizi, & Qo’shaqov Doniyorbek Abdumutal o’g’li. (2023). METHODOLOGY OF CHEMISTRY . ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 35(2), 46–48. Retrieved from