Keywords: technology in education, computer in teaching, use of technology, integration technology.Abstract
These days, youngsters are lured to information and communication technology as a way of life. Since today's kids start using digital technologies at a very young age, schools need to adapt to meet the demands of their pupils. Additionally, without the assistance of information technology, no profession can function in the modern world. We have several options and tools at our disposal to raise the caliber of our job thanks to computers and the Internet. Computer proficiency and supplementary equipment are required even in education since they provide teachers amazing options and pique students' attention and curiosity. Instead of opposing change, educators should embrace it and employ new technologies to improve student learning and make it more engaging. The use of technology will positively improve results faculty and students. Teachers must carefully plan the use and integration of technology in teaching. How to integrate technology into teaching mainly depends on how many computers has at its disposal.
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