
  • Narziev Sherali Mukhamadovich


Abstract. Erectile dysfunction (ED), which significantly reduces the quality of life of men, according to foreign researchers, occurs in more than 50% of patients with diabetes, remaining undetected for a long time due to the fact that that patients often do not complain to doctors about sexual dysfunction, and doctors do not conduct sufficiently active questioning of the patient. At the same time, ED may be an early indirect clinical sign of the occurrence and progression of atherosclerosis and neuropathy in diabetes, which demonstrates the need to study various forms of ED to identify risk groups and improve preventive measures. To date, no epidemiological studies have been conducted to study the prevalence and clinical characteristics of ED in patients with diabetes in the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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How to Cite

Narziev Sherali Mukhamadovich. (2024). SYMPTOMS OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES. Journal of New Century Innovations, 53(3), 110–115. Retrieved from