
  • J. Mustafayev
  • Nurmukhammadova Shakhriza


Key words: modernism, enlightenment, newspaper, magazine, press, liberation movement, Turkestan, Shura system, national idea.


  Abstract: this article is devoted to the Jadids, who are called “the Jews of the nation,” their political actions and the contribution of the Jadids to the development of the nation as a whole. Because, even if it was short-lived, the Jadidist movement was able to make enough contributions to the awakening of the nation and free thought, and we wanted to tell you about it.


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How to Cite

J. Mustafayev, & Nurmukhammadova Shakhriza. (2024). MUNAVVARQORI ABDURASHIDXONOVNING MANAVIY MEROSI. Journal of New Century Innovations, 53(3), 152–156. Retrieved from