
  • Yusupova Nargiza Abdikadirovna


Ключевые слова: Иммуноферментный анализ, пепсиноген, сыворотка крови, крыса, желудок, кунжутное масло, жирные кислоты.


Annotation. In recent years, energy drinks have begun to progressively conquer not only the market of European and Western countries, but they have also conquered the market of Asian countries. For this reason, WHO believes that the risk of such massive consumption of energy drinks among adolescents and young people can lead to serious public health disorders and negative health complications in the future. Moreover, this condition remains largely ignored among scientists and the public. An analysis of the literature data with a high degree of persuasiveness indicates that excessive consumption of energy drinks can have an extremely adverse effect on human health and can lead to the development of multiple organ failure, with damage, first of all, to the cardiovascular, central nervous, endocrine systems, as well as the digestive and excretory systems. To substantiate indications and contraindications, recommendations on the use (volumes and dosages) of energy drinks, it is necessary to obtain a clear evidence base based on conducting comprehensive clinical and laboratory, instrumental and experimental morphological studies


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How to Cite

Yusupova Nargiza Abdikadirovna. (2024). MORPHOFUNCTIONAL CHANGES OF THE STOMACH UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ENERGY DRINKS AND THEIR CORRECTION. Journal of New Century Innovations, 53(4), 150–153. Retrieved from