Abstract. The research purpose to clearify the role of women in the patriarchal
family. In the Afghan-American literature that we analyzed, the concept of values is
covered in a wide scope. Among the Afghan-American writers who are the object of
our research is Maryam Qudrat Aseel (“Torn Between Two Cultures: an Afghan-
American Woman Speaks Out”) was analyzed literary-artistically based on national
and universal values. In this work, the values are interpreted from human, national, and
family perspectives, and they show the unique qualities, virtues, and wisdom of the
Afghan nation, which is reflected in national pride. In other words, the nation’s culture,
faith, national traditions, and aspects of national education are manifested in their
unique values. Throughout the article, there is given themes related to Islamic culture
and identity, such as gender roles, family dynamics, and the impact of political events
on the Muslim community. Article emphasizes the importance of cultural
understanding and empathy, both within the Muslim community and between different
cultural groups.
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