Abstract: In this article, the special climate of Khorezm (closeness to the desert), the location of the population, the development of the cities and the shape of the houses had a good effect. In ancient times, people lived near irrigation networks. The event of migration of cities as a result of the change of the river bed is often seen in the history of Khorezm.Abstract
Abstract: In this article, the special climate of Khorezm (closeness to the desert), the location of the population, the development of the cities and the shape of the houses had a good effect. In ancient times, people lived near irrigation networks. The event of migration of cities as a result of the change of the river bed is often seen in the history of Khorezm.
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Ш.М. Танқидий таҳлил, қатъий тартиб-интизом ва шахсий жавобгарлик – ҳар бир раҳбар фаолиятининг кундалик қоидаси бўлиши керак. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар Маҳкамасининг 2016 йил якунлари ва 2017 йил истиқболларига бағишланган мажлисидаги Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг нутқи. // Халқ сўзи газетаси. 2017 йил 16 январь, №11.
Internet sites
www. Ldpu. Uz;
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www. Edy. Uz;
www. MRDI. Uz;