
  • Maksudjon Ergashov Muzaffarovich


 Abstract Coronavirus infection (COVID-19), considered an acute infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is characterized by activation of the hemostasis system. As a result of this, severe cases can develop coagulopathy. Whether COVID-19 is the direct cause of this condition or whether they occur with the development of an infectious process remains unclear for the time being. The frequency of occurrence of asymptomatic and clinically specific thrombotic, thromboembolic complications in COVID-19 remains uncertain. This condition is largely associated with difficulties in diagnosis. The purpose of the work to study the significance of coagulopathy markers in patients with COVID-19 and their prognostic role in various clinical forms of the disease. This study was a single-center retrospective cohort study. The usual blood tests: the number of leukocytes (WBC), the number of lymphocytes (LYM), the number of mononuclears (MONO), the number of neutrophils (NEU), platelets were performed on blood samples. Coagulation functions (fibrinogen (Factor I), (prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), (international normalized ratio (INR) were determined using the MINDRAY BA - 88A analyzer (China). The concentration of D-dimer was determined using the ELISA method using reagent kits for enzyme immunoassay determination of the concentration of D-dimer in blood plasma D-dimer - ELISA-BEST. The concentration of antibodies to IgM IgG phospholipids was determined using the ELISA method.



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How to Cite

Maksudjon Ergashov Muzaffarovich. (2024). COVID-19 ASSOCIATED COAGULOPATHY IN PATIENTS WITH NEW CORONAVIRUS SARS COV-2 INFECTION. Journal of New Century Innovations, 54(1), 216–222. Retrieved from