Keywords: finance, Financial system, money, capital flows, financial markets, financial assets, financial institutions, financial services.The modern financial system can include banks (public or private sector), financial markets, financial instruments and financial services. Regular and rational capital flows are one of the main conditions necessary for accelerated economic development.Abstract
Abstract. This document analyzes in detail the results of the liberalization of the financial system of Uzbekistan. The document addresses two main areas. First, we look at the reforms of financial development in Uzbekistan from independence to the present day, including the banking sector, non-banking financial institutions and securities markets. Secondly, it will examine the political successes and failures of the Uzbek path, as well as the sequence of reforms in each of these areas. Then recommendations are offered to eliminate the existing problems that we have identified. The novelty of this article is that for the first time it analyzes in detail the failures of financial reforms in Uzbekistan.
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