
  • Abdulloeva Shakhzoda Jamshedovna


Key words: significant language skills, YouTube educational videos, language apps, telegram support, mass media vs social media.


Abstract. In case we concentrate our attention on learning any language, we
may perhaps think about quite plethora of certain skills and language aspects whiсh are
undoubtedly demanded so as to acquire certain degree in this or that language. We may
highlight quite the same points while having a talk in terms of English language as
well. Nonetheless, several reasonably basic details should probably be underlined
separately, I dare mention. In essence, crucial need in two basic language skills, that is
stable knowledge of Grammar and Vocabulary of English language are deemed to play
the essential role for enhancing another quaternary of the skills. As for the other part
of our topic, when instructors make hard attempt to teach their students English
language, social media should probably play the role of the knowledge delivering
"bridge" between them. The mentioned above process is likely to be portraited with
further details in the piece of writing below.



How to Cite

Abdulloeva Shakhzoda Jamshedovna. (2022). LEARNING ENGLISH LANGUAGE ONSOCIAL MEDIA . Journal of New Century Innovations, 19(6), 348–351. Retrieved from https://newjournal.org/new/article/view/2071