Keywords: Literature; ELT learners; Vocabulary; Motivating source.Abstract
Annotation: English has been used in Uzbekistan as a second language after
Independence. There are many aims of teaching and learning English, but the most
important reason is English is a one of global languages. English is considered the link
between different countries and people who speak different languages. It is mostly used
in trade, meetings, medicine, technology, education, and science. Besides, English is
mostly being chosen for its several, rich literatures, arts, movies, and songs. Especially,
teacher prefer them to attract second-language learners’ attention. Literature is not only
best way of educating vocabulary, grammar, spelling, but also culture. Many people
think that literature is most powerful and motivating source of learning vocabulary and
writing. When students enjoy the learning process, learning vocabularies is not
challenging for them at lot. Wide range of vocabularies, expressions, idioms and their
alternatives are used in literature. If second-language students are only used old and big
dictionaries and taught grammar books in the classroom, it is not effective at all as well
as they can lose their interests towards the language. Using literature in ELT classrooms
can be beneficial to increase number of vocabularies, synonymies and antonymous of