
  • Latipov Ixtiyor Ikromovich
  • Ishankulova Shahzoda Akmalovna


Key words: collagenopathies, dysplasias, multi-system pathology, morphologically characterized, normal morphogenesis.


Abstract. Hereditary collagenopathies occupy a key place among all connective tissue dysplasias, represented by almost 70 nosologies out of 250. Currently, 29 types of ­collagen have been identified, 12 of them are involved in skin formation. Thus, collagen proteins in the skin make up almost half of the total mass in the body and of the studied collagens and play a significant role in pathological changes and hereditary diseases caused by various mutations. The incidence of skin lesions in hereditary collagenopathies remains one of the highest and requires special knowledge on this issue from a dermatologist.


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How to Cite

Latipov Ixtiyor Ikromovich, & Ishankulova Shahzoda Akmalovna. (2023). RISK FACTORS THAT CAUSE VARIOUS CONNECTIVE TISSUE DYSPLASIA OF THE SKIN. Journal of New Century Innovations, 32(1), 28–31. Retrieved from https://newjournal.org/new/article/view/8028