
  • Urokova Vazira Khamidovna


Key words: allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, aeroallergen.


Abstract. Allergic diseases are among the most common diseases in children. According to epidemiological studies, they currently affect up to 30% of the child population. In recent years, there has been a tendency towards a further increase in the prevalence of allergic pathology in children, which is associated with environmental pollution by chemical compounds, an increase in the frequency of food allergies, uncontrolled use of drugs, and changes in the lifestyle of the population.


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How to Cite

Urokova Vazira Khamidovna. (2023). NEW TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ORIGIN OF ALLERGIC DISEASES IN CHILDREN. Journal of New Century Innovations, 32(1), 32–37. Retrieved from