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Türüdüoğlu, F., Suner, N. & Yıldırım, G. (2014). Determination of goals under four perspectives of Balanced Scorecards and linkages between the perspectives: A survey on luxury summer hotels in turkey. Procedia-social and Behavioral sciences, 164372- 377.
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Shukri, N.F.M. & Ramli, A. (2015). Organizational structure and performances of responsible Malaysian healthcare providers: A Balanced Scorecard perspective. Procedia economics and finance, 28202-212.; Propa, G., Banwet, D.K. & Goswami, K.K. (2015). Sustainable operation management using the balanced score card as a strategic tool-a research summary. Procedia-social and Behavioral Sciences, 189133-143.
Wang, Y., Kinsner, W. & Zhang, D. (2009). Contemporary cybernetics and its facets of cognitive informatics and computational intelligence. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, part B (cybernetics), 39(4):823-833. Türüdüoğlu, F., Suner, N. & Yıldırım, G. (2014). Determination of goals under four Perspectives of Balanced Scorecards and linkages between the perspectives: A survey on luxury summer hotels in turkey. Procedia-social and Behavioral sciences, 164372-377.
Propa, G., Banwet, D.K. & Goswami, K.K. (2015). Sustainable operation management using the balanced score card as a strategic tool-a research summary. Procedia-social and Behavioral Sciences, 189133-143.
Wang, Y., Kinsner, W. & Zhang, D. (2009). Contemporary cybernetics and its facets of cognitive informatics and computational intelligence. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, part B (cybernetics), 39(4):823-833.
Propa, G., Banwet, D.K. & Goswami, K.K. (2015). Sustainable operation management using the balanced score card as a strategic tool-a research summary. Procedia-social and Behavioral Sciences, 189133-143.
Propa, G., Banwet, D.K. & Goswami, K.K. (2015). Sustainable operation management using the balanced score card as a strategic tool-a research summary. Procedia-social and Behavioral Sciences, 189133-143.
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