Key words: lexical unit, semantics, irreality, etymology, myth, concept of the devil, mysticism, associative semantic field.Abstract
Currently, the attention of ethnolinguists is drawn to the question of the formation of a people whose origins come from antiquity. Initially, only concretely visible, perceptible, and tangible objects were reflected in people’s minds, but over time, as a result of the development of thinking, a person acquires the ability for abstract ideas. Not only really existing objects, but also abstract processes are reflected in people's minds. In ancient Greece, the concept of the term "demon" was ambivalent, as people distinguished between supernatural forces, calling them gods and demons, giving immortality and power to both concepts. The object of our research is demonological vocabulary, the concept of which does not reflect all the qualities and characteristics inherent in a particular object or phenomenon, but only the general basic most significant phenomena that do not have a denotant and do not exist in reality.
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