Keywords: Oliy Majlis, Oliy Kengash, parliament, mandate, election, democracy, authority, law, collegial, electoral district, polling station, deputy, project, ballot, repeated votingAbstract
Abstract. The Oliy Kengash is the first parliament in the history of independent Uzbekistan. The Supreme Council worked in 1990-1994. This article provides a general analysis of the election process to the Supreme Council of the Uzbek SSR held on February 18, 1990. Deputies' mandates, statistics on the held elections, procedures and terms of repeated voting for vacant seats were studied.
Islam Karimov "Uzbekistan: national independence, economy, political ideology" Volume I. Tashkent Uzbekistan-1996 p. 201
The election was held. // Soviet Uzbekistan, February 20, 1990 #43 (20.610)- B.1
The election was held. // Soviet Uzbekistan, February 20, 1990 #43 (20.610)- B.1
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Information of the Central Election Commission on the results of the election of People's Deputies of the Uzbek SSR // Soviet Uzbekistan, February 22, 1990 #45 (20.612)- B.1
Information of the Central Election Commission on the results of the election of People's Deputies of the Uzbek SSR // Soviet Uzbekistan, February 22, 1990 #45 (20.612)- B.1
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Denis A. S., consultant of the UNDP representative office in Uzbekistan "Elections and gender: international and national practices of supporting women in politics" Tashkent 202113-b
On holding re-elections in some districts of the People's Deputies of the Uzbek SSR // Soviet Uzbekistan, February 23, 1990 No. 46 (20.613)- B.1
Combining efforts is the key to the success of reconstruction. Document of I.A. Karimov // Soviet Uzbekistan, February 25, 1990 #48 (20.615)- B.1